Axios reported on the massive growth of private Medicare plans, highlighting disparities in particular communities. While their reporting highlighted the area as another trend affecting at-risk populations, their reporting shows drastic differences in the kinds of Medicare Advantage programs not available in certain communities.

From the article:

By Maya Goldman

Private Medicare plans now cover more than half of Medicare beneficiaries, but how well they actually serve people differs from county to county.

Why it matters: Medicare enrollees living in communities of color and with high rates of poverty had less access to top-rated Medicare Advantage plans last year than those living in wealthier places that are majority white.

  • These disparities could contribute to unequal health outcomes for seniors across the country as Medicare Advantage enrollment grows, particularly among seniors from diverse and low-income backgrounds.

The big picture: The geographic quality differences in Medicare availability drive home the longstanding point that where someone lives in America can determine the caliber of their health care options.

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