Politics is a science. You can demonstrate that you are right and that others are wrong. Jean Paul Sartre
But, even with science, there are skeptics and nonbelievers. (See vaccines, the moon landing and flat earth).
And in the case of complex political and policy issues like all of those governing health care, you can’t just state your policy position and expect it to be immediately accepted as fact. People have to be convinced that your solution….your idea….is right for them.
You have to sell it.
The most effective health care leaders and organizations are integrating current and best practices and tactics from content marketing into their advocacy messaging to sell ideas and influence their adoption:
- Clarity and authenticity of message for multiple audiences.
- Frequency of message.
- Relevant and relatable content in multiple formats and distributed through multiple channels.
- A thoughtful digital strategy, not just a digital scattershot.
Content marketing generates:
- Trust.
- Credibility.
- Understanding.
- Action.
Melding content marketing with in-depth knowledge of health care policy and politics is what Groundswell Health does best. Contact us to find out how we can amplify your organization’s advocacy messaging to capture the right attention to influence change.
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