We see more senior leaders and CEOs taking a front seat when it comes to establishing a high-quality digital presence. That’s because they know messaging now must go beyond reputation and brand management. Digital strategy is finally seen by hospital CEOs as something that can drive patient volume and smooth over rough terrain in a time of crisis.

That shift is based on several factors.

Among them is a changing c-suite. Retirements and diversity have grown over the last five years, and new leaders understand the potential of a high-quality digital program. Second, marketing teams are getting less internal push-back when it comes to prioritizing a mobile presence and app experiences and building loyalty through digital programs.

Chiefly, though, is the shifting focus by leaders from cost containment to building revenue … A survey of 90 hospital CEOs by the Advisory Board noted a transition in 2019 from 2018 that emphasized revenue opportunities as a top priority over merely expense management.

But are your communications and marketing teams ready? Hospital communications talent historically has limited experience in strategically focusing on and increasing patient volume. Now, there’s a rush by many of these teams to finally get up the courage to make big budget requests for CRMs to track and market to key customers. Those capital acquisitions will only augment the light on what might be missing from your team … a digital strategy.

Contact us, and we will work with your teams to:

  1. Conduct a digital audit of your existing digital presence.
  2. Collaborate with your team on building a digital strategy that will shape your hospital’s future.

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