Public Relations & Issue Management
Groundswell Health works with associations, corporations and nonprofit organizations to clearly articulate advocacy objectives and to provide clear, actionable messaging to support achievement of those objectives.
With Groundswell Health as a partner, organizations can amplify the voice of their government relations team by making sure leadership teams all understand and can take action on key legislative and policy objectives.
Often, the role of legislative affairs is led by incredibly insightful and powerful executives whose effectiveness is based on their knowledge, insight and relationships in state legislatures and Capitol Hill. However, their capacities for distilling complex information into digestible, comprehensive grassroots initiatives usually lack the clarity needed by audiences in the rest of the organization and by audiences outside of the organization, such as media, community and business groups and, often lawmakers and staff themselves.
Groundswell Health helps distill those complex components into understandable and actionable messages, rooting them in a cadence that is:
Associations and industry trade groups often have a difficult time activating and mobilizing their members and their members’ employees. Several forces impede successful activation.
Policy and legislative complexity: Drive understanding among multiple audiences.
Associations typically have a handful of highly active and engaged members, generally CEOs, who take pride in their industry and have an active role in seeking to understand the legislative and policy landscape in which their industry must operate. Changing that legislative and policy landscape and influencing decision makers, however, requires much broader engagement of the wider industry workforce. Yet, many industry employees lack a true understanding of how policy affects their daily work or are reluctant or fearful of engaging on policy issues because they lack the knowledge or know-how.

Government Relations Objectives: Making them come alive with high-quality messaging.
Often, motivated leaders return from association and trade group policy briefings with intentions to take action on core policy priorities only to be discouraged by internal government relations and lobbying teams. For these teams, controlling messaging and preserving access often means delicate, hesitant and restrictive handling of legislative staff and, paradoxically, protecting lawmakers from hearing from multiple voices. As a result, legislative leaders do not experience the kind of groundswell of advocacy that is essential for policy change.

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