

About Amarda Ramazani

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So far Amarda Ramazani has created 33 blog entries.

Doing Work or Doing Well? Knowing the Difference in Audience Engagement and Persuasion.

Do You Want to Be Right or Do You Want to Persuade? You have to read all the way to end of this otherwise brilliantNew York Times column on persuasion to get to the main point that trying to convince the general public of the efficacy or lack thereof of various things (vaccines, low-value care,

By |2019-07-25T19:15:25-05:00July 25th, 2019|Convincing|Comments Off on Doing Work or Doing Well? Knowing the Difference in Audience Engagement and Persuasion.

Institutions and Trust: A Delicate Balance with Communications that Bind Teams.

When institutions – whether private or public – fail us because they withhold information, allow immoral personal behavior to go unchecked or act in a way unbecoming to the power and responsibility they have, we feel let down. Betrayed. Violated. Yet, institutions are just groups of people, and ultimately, what, or rather who, causes these

By |2019-07-18T15:42:00-05:00July 18th, 2019|Organizational Design|Comments Off on Institutions and Trust: A Delicate Balance with Communications that Bind Teams.

Telehealth’s growth track recognized in report

It's no industry secret that telehealth's use is growing. For years, the potential for telehealth has made itself known, bringing regulators and payors in alignment and seeking ways to seize on its potential. According to a report released by Doximity, the telehealth market will expand from last year's $38.3 billion to $130.5 billion in 2025.

By |2019-07-16T13:10:36-05:00July 16th, 2019|Telehealth|Comments Off on Telehealth’s growth track recognized in report

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