

About Amarda Ramazani

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So far Amarda Ramazani has created 33 blog entries.

TCH17 – DeltaPath Taking on Efficiency and Better Outcomes at the Bedside

DeltaPath came online with the intent of bypassing clunky antiquated and expensive phone systems, allowing users to engage voiceover IP systems to make overseas connections. Today, it has evolved to address communications systems in a variety of industries. And health care is centerstage as they look at how their technology can being more clarity and

By |2020-09-15T16:12:05-05:00September 15th, 2020|Connected Hospital Podcast, Uncategorized|Comments Off on TCH17 – DeltaPath Taking on Efficiency and Better Outcomes at the Bedside

Connected Hospital – Episode 16 – Chris Klomp, Collective Medical, and the next steps for technology amid COVID-19 crisis

Back in 2018, I met Chris Klomp at the Burning Man for healthcare IT professionals -- which as you probably know is corporately branded as the annual HIMSS Annual Conference and Expo -- in the lobby of the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas. It wasn't my first glimpse into what he and his team was

By |2020-05-18T08:22:00-05:00May 18th, 2020|Connected Hospital Podcast|Comments Off on Connected Hospital – Episode 16 – Chris Klomp, Collective Medical, and the next steps for technology amid COVID-19 crisis

Connected Hospital Episode 12 – Access Physicians and Antibiotic stewardship using telemedicine

I began working with Access Physicians in 2017 in search of a telemedicine partner for the state of Texas, but I wasn't 100% sure how we were going to provide value to hospitals as many of the existing brand names at the time were busy being all things to all potential customers. That's not where

By |2020-05-17T16:16:02-05:00May 17th, 2020|Connected Hospital Podcast|Comments Off on Connected Hospital Episode 12 – Access Physicians and Antibiotic stewardship using telemedicine

The Connected Hospital – Episode 15 – Advocacy and the impact of COVID-19 on hospitals and the health care system down the road

https://playlist.megaphone.fm?e=TPMEDIA1801500082 Andy Davidson is a standout among the hospital association executives we've met over the years. Now retired, Andy is working with non-profit organizations on board structures and tying governance activities to mission and vision. Check out more episodes. In a recent episode of the Connected Hospital, a podcast where we usually talk about technology

By |2020-05-12T17:18:21-05:00May 12th, 2020|Connected Hospital Podcast, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Connected Hospital – Episode 15 – Advocacy and the impact of COVID-19 on hospitals and the health care system down the road

Talking Points with Groundswell Health

Several years ago, we met Andy Davidson when he was CEO of the Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems. We quickly took to his wit and insight as an industry leader. He since retired and launched Hummingbird Hill Advisors, providing counsel and insight to boards and executive leaders to ensure fulfillment of their stated

By |2020-04-15T15:27:57-05:00April 15th, 2020|Public Affairs|Comments Off on Talking Points with Groundswell Health

Gripping Fear Before it Grips you Back

What we can learn from the Empowered by Parkinson's documentary in this time of COVID-19 It's easy to let fear drive our decisions. We do it when we parent. We do it when we manage our finances. It's part of our makeup. It's part of our being. Before he became known as a biologist embarking

By |2020-04-03T20:36:55-05:00April 3rd, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Gripping Fear Before it Grips you Back

Communications in Crisis: Tips from Groundswell Health

Let's just take a minute here to remember one thing: Hospitals have been in transformation mode for more than a decade as their leaders have been pushed to do more to manage patients through the continuum of care. Hospitals are positioned well to put their communities on solid footing and step up in the crisis.

By |2020-03-21T21:18:13-05:00March 21st, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Communications in Crisis: Tips from Groundswell Health

Doubling Down on Content Marketing in Times of Uncertainty

With hospital leaders laser focused on caring for their communities as the COVID-19 pandemic takes hold, they have little to no time or capacity to field sales calls or take meetings with vendors. Many hospitals, too, are restricting access to their facilities to anyone other than physicians, staff and patients. For companies whose prospective clients

By |2020-03-12T22:08:20-05:00March 12th, 2020|Content Marketing|Comments Off on Doubling Down on Content Marketing in Times of Uncertainty

Taming Our Inner Veruca Salt

Remember Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? She was the spoiled little girl who wanted what she wanted when she wanted it. We all have a little Veruca Salt in each of us, and she tends to come out when we have a good idea (or product) that we just know with

By |2020-01-14T19:12:10-06:00January 14th, 2020|Convincing|Comments Off on Taming Our Inner Veruca Salt

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